About Us

"The family friendly atmosphere, fun traditions, and wonderful new relationships we've developed at Strathalbyn have created lasting memories for our family that will be cherished for years to come."



For over 50 years, membership has included people from all walks of life seeking a country place of exceptional sportsmanship, rare beauty, and enduring camaraderie, called Strathalbyn Farms Club.

The property served as a family farm in this rural section of Weldon Spring before World War II and before the bridge across the Missouri River was completed. In 1960, the property was purchased primarily to protect the area from development.

The name Strathalbyn was given to the property by one of the prior owners of the land, reminiscent of their ancestral homes in Wales. The words are Welsh and mean “stream and field” appropriately named since its fields meander down to the Missouri River.

Our 2008 remodeling and expansion of the clubhouse provided a full view of all sides of the original preserved log cabin that was built in the 1820’s.

Club Culture

Our goal is to have a membership of more or less common interests, chief of which is to have a small, unique place in the country with a family atmosphere and a few, simple activities.  The main feature of the club is to be a place where friendships are made and renewed, new members are made welcome and melded with existing members. Younger members, older members, new and long-time members are all part of the family of the Club.

Those steeped in the traditions of the Club share and instill those traditions with the newer members as they share the use and enjoyment of the facilities of the Club.  The design and use of the clubhouse encourage the mingling of the members and their guests in the shared use of rooms, tables and facilities, as a large family would.